Saturday, November 08, 2008

It's Time for the Public to do Something, get Angry!

The State of Hawaii is absent from the coqui frog problem, especially when you get further out of urban areas and into the rural/forest area's. At these more remote areas who is taking any responsibility to control the movement. They dumped Citric Acid from helicopters in Manuka State Park spreading the frog outside the park ..saying they got rid of some but had 1000's left which will quickly multiply back to pre-treatment numbers in no time.
You hear the same story that the frog is coming from the Big Island...don't buy plants from there...or if they are certified and/or sprayed with citric acid it's safe..This issue needs to be addressed and the leaders need to have a closer look and bring in outside resources if not just common sense. At least the latest TV news report on KITV had mentioned that the native birds maybe threatened by the coqui and KGMB talked with yet another person with coqui frogs in Kailua (who has caught 10 frogs in the last 2 months) not covered in the papers. In communicating with people on Oahu they have a similar attitude that we here on the Big Island are just now realizing after a decade "It hasn't served us well"...that is let the goverment take care of the problem.
It's our problem, the public and not just the goverments. Roll up your sleeves and join with your neighbors and community to rid the islands of this particular invasive species. Then the next one won"t have an easy time of it..namely the Brown Tree Snake or?

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