Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Kona Frog Control Groups

Talked with the groups from Captain Cook about coqui control methods along with others who graciously shared there experience to the over 100 people attending. Here's their blogspot address... http://hawaiicoquifrogblog.blogspot.com
Mahalo to Jimmy,Jean,Bob,and Kathryn
ps. great 100% Kona coffee!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Female eating male

Had put these 3 coqui's into a plastic container to take photographs and left them overnight and in the morning found that the larger female was attempting to eat the male. The second photo is of the 2 females with the regurgitated partially digested male, I thought she would have perished with her mouth opened like that for approx. 24hours.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hawaii Reporter Coqui article

Malia Zimmerman was on KHON's news the other week saying how she had a male coqui calling in her yard...then after 3 days it stopped calling, I emailed her and said "let's hope it's not sitting on eggs" and gave her my blogspot address. She emailed me back asking if I'd like to write a short couple of paragraphs about the coqui..so here's the link to the story. In the same story Gene Ward has started a coqui watch group for the HawaiiKai area and I've included his link as well.
Nice to see communities starting early on this issue.
